Aged and Disability Care Essentials

This course is the perfect choice for those looking to make a difference in the lives of others.
Look Now Training Aged and Disability Care Essentials

Is this course right for you?

With our introductory training, you’ll gain the essential skills and knowledge required to commence work immediately in residential and home care settings.

Our course covers everything you need to know, from maintaining the healthy functioning of the body to understanding how to respond to an individual’s physical personal needs.

Gain the confidence and credentials you need to start your career in aged and disability care.

Course Length Icon

Course Length

3 days.

Course Delivery Icon

Course Delivery

Classroom Workshop.

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Course Units

Course consists of 2 units.

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Course Funding Options


  • What you will learn

What you will learn

You will learn the skills and knowledge required to practice working safely to ensure your own, and your clients, health and safety, as well as understand how to respond to an individual’s physical personal needs.


  • Safe work practices for direct client care
  • Infection control
  • Manual handling
  • Structure function location of body systems
  • Health terminology
  • Maintaining healthy functioning of the body
Course Image
What you will learn

You will learn the skills and knowledge required to practice working safely to ensure your own, and your clients, health and safety, as well as understand how to respond to an individual’s physical personal needs.


  • Safe work practices for direct client care
  • Infection control
  • Manual handling
  • Structure function location of body systems
  • Health terminology
  • Maintaining healthy functioning of the body
Course Image

Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Recognise healthy body systems,

This course has no elective units

There are no entry requirements to this qualification.

Not applicable to this course.

We want to make your training experience as easy as possible from start to finish. Everyone has different circumstances and we will work with you to find the best training solution for your situation.

  1. Register your interest
    Use the short Enrolment Enquiry Form below or give us on 07 5334 9922 to register your interest and get the ball rolling!
  2. Eligibility check
    We complete an eligibility check to determine if you quality for course funding.
  3. Discuss your enrolment
    Within 2 business days, we will call you to discuss your enrolment and eligibility for funding. We are happy to answer any questions.
  4. Enrolment form
    We will send an enrolment form for you to complete. You can then supply your ID, arrange payment or payment plan as required.
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Enrolment Enquiries

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Please fill in your contact details and we will be happy to send you further information and a course application to complete.

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